Energy Challenge : NingXia Red, Kids, and Pregnancy
We love the benefits of giving Ningxia Red to our kiddos. Think about how difficult it can be to get all the veggies and nutrition needed into their little bodies. Having an option they ask for is priceless.

You might not think of nutrition as an emotional tool, but it is powerful! When you're feeling grumpy and out of sorts, trying filling your body (or your child's) with something that truly feeds it! Skip the sugary snacks and drinks that will only lead to a worse crash in a few hours. So much emotional upheaval is caused by blood sugar dropping which is exaggerated in diets high in sugar and grains. Giving our children the Ningxia wolfberry, studied for its powerful ability to promote healthy blood sugar levels through its low glycemic index, is one way we can have happy kids in our homes!

When it comes to using NingXia Red during pregnancy, that is ultimately up to you and your care provider. BUT I can tell you from experience that it was a huge benefit to me as has been to so many other women! In my 9th pregnancy at 42, I felt stronger and more equipped than I did with my first pregnancies in my twenties when I was sick, exhausted, and struggling to function. 

Plus, once you see a "Ningxia placenta" you'll understand how much those nutrients can do for both of you!
Ningxia Red is food. It is made of fruits and plants. I feel really good about that. Plus antioxidants are crucial for reproductive health, cleaning out our system so we can focus on growing that sweet life. Drinking Ningxia during my pregnancy is often what keeps my morning sickness at bay. Whether you drink it straight, combine it with sparkling water or Ginger Vitality Oil, or try a yummy morning or afternoon recipe like these, make your days doable throughout your pregnancy with Ningxia!

Here are a couple of my favorite recipes during pregnancy:

Morning Bliss:
2 oz. Ningxia Red (I was doing more like 4-8 during pregnancy)
4 drops Grapefruit Vitality Oil + 4 oz. (or to taste) sparkling water, club soda, or even a natural ginger ale

Mommy's Midday Mix or “The Mommy Mojito":
2 oz. Ningxia
Coconut water
Mineral water
1 drop Lime Vitality Oil

Do your kids love Ningxia? What does it do for them? Are you having them do the challenge with you?

What to Do:
Drink 2-4 ounces of Ningxia Red
Drink a tube of Ningxia Nitro
Take 2 Super B tablets


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