Energy Challenge
  • Do you need energy?
  • Are you exhausted?
  • Do you live in a haze of brain fog?
  • Do you need to nap every afternoon?
  • Do you feel weak and listless, unable to accomplish tasks?
  • Is it difficult to focus?
  • Are you depleted and struggling to get needed nutrition?
  • Are you battling caffeine and sugar addiction?

    We need to chat. Because we've been there too. And it's difficult to feel like we're missing out on important pieces of life because our bodies are running on empty.

    So what makes us so sluggish? Obviously, there can be many factors, but there are a few common, main culprits.
    1. Toxic overload slowing down our body's processes.
    2. Little or no nutritional fuel to help us go.
    3. Deficiency in vitamins that help our brain to function and direct the rest of our systems.

    Today, our story looks completely different. And we want you to experience that same vibrance and freedom!

    September 1-30 we will be taking three core supplements that fuel us with what we need to start our bodies down a new path. We have all kinds of wonderful things to teach you about these three, but basically they represent antioxidant power to flush out toxic overload, a flood of easy to absorb nutrients for the most exhausted bodies, and some targeted support for brain and body function. All without crazy caffeine jitters and crashes or harsh cleansing. All convenient and easy. All yummy.

    Each day you will:

    • Drink 2-4 ounces of Ningxia Red
    • Drink a tube of Ningxia Nitro
    • Take 2 Super B tablets
    • These are best taken morning to early afternoon so your energy boost is focused on daytime hours and not when trying to sleep!

    Stay right here with us, and we'll walk you through each step! Who's ready?


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