The Freelancers Academy First Virtual Summit 2021
Well, hello there!

How are you doing? These past weeks have truly been a rollercoaster ride for me - in a good way. (I LOVE rollercoaster rides, don't you?? WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME I TOOK A RIDE??!)

Anyway, if someone had plotted my learning on a graph this year, it'd be the shape of an ice hockey stick, in a steep upwards trend! The most recent event was me participating in a pitch competition at The Freelancers Academy first virtual summit on the 11th December 2021, and winning first prize! (I know, right??! For someone like me, with close to zero background knowledge in business, this is a HUGE accomplishment)

I first read of TFA's biggest event (on 24 Sept) from their telegram group that I'm in but didn't think twice about. I have to give special thanks to Renee (@peachypixx) who whatsApp-ed me again 2 days later, "Yana.. Come masok pitch competition TFA" to which I replied, "nanti I read lagi!"

The pitch competition was not brought up again. Our conversation turned to Young Living. Renee is a fellow #towo too. (: THEN 10 Oct, this Renee sent me an official invitation, with link to RSVP all. Haha. Good tactic la this girl. Thanks for not giving up on me. (Though she did say that if I didn't wanna pitch, it's okay. Just support members who will be pitching and it's free for members too!)

P.S. Click here to join TFA!

25 Nov was the pitch briefing and I texted Renee, "I takut nak pitch!" and she replied, "Hehe takmo takot. Simple2 je ni" I ALMOST WANTED TO PULL MYSELF OUT FROM THE COMPETITION.

Biggest blessing was, because I had to pitch #theonewithoils as a business, I had to put on a different lense, one I've never done before maybe because I was afraid. My biggest takeaway was, everyone sets up a business to be successful. No one in the right mind would set up a business to fail. Essentially, a "successful" business means that it's a profitable one, ergo, I must make more revenue to not only "cover" my expenses (that's breaking even) but also more than that. And with that, I had to totally scrutinise the different aspects of #towo, from our vision and value proposition, defining the problem, target market, explaining our business model, marketing and sales strategy and so on.

So here's what I gained clarity on: In Young Living, for every Premium Experience Bundle (PEB) signup, brand partners will receive 50USD the following month. However, to qualify for that 50USD Starter Bundle Bonus that month, brand partners would first have to spend a minimum of 50PV (~$70). This made me see that, if members have spent 50PV but only got one signup, they are not profiting yet. They are merely breaking even. Hence, in conclusion, to earn a profit from this business, members who are spending 50PV must at least get 2 PEB signups to be profitable - as simple as that. BUT LIYANA, HOW TO GET PEB SIGN UPS?? Stay tuned! A line-up of mentoring sessions with Liyana is in the works! If you can't wait, book a Business Call and let's chat! (Click on the Work With Me on the menu header above!)

Finally, TFA virtual summit was a truly an eye-opener for me. I got to rub shoulders with fellow freelancers, and hear from distinguished speakers like Jit Puru (Founder of Ideas & Inspiration), AIdil Muhaimin (Freelance Filmmaker), Denise Deanna (Founder of Deanna's Kitchen), Dylan Zheng (Founder of Glance SG) and last but not least, Liyana Ahmad (Founder of Lokeesan Creatives).

By the end of the session, I was mind-blown and brain-fried all at the same time but feeling so, very grateful.

Thank you to the organisers, Rene & AJ, sponsors, judges (you guys were scary), fellow pitchers, speakers (including Samad the puppet) and participants! See you in the TFA Circle! 


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